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Taco Tuesdays at 7 Sports Bar


Taco Tuesdays Bash at 7 Sports Bar! AED 149 only for all-you-can-eat tacos & margaritas. Available every Tuesday from 6pm to 11pm.

Taco Tuesdays Bash at 7 Sports Bar! For AED 149 all-you-can-eat tacos & margaritas.

Don't let next Tuesday pass you by without indulging in our Taco Tuesday.

Offer includes:

AED 149, for all-you-can-eat tacos & margaritas.
4 types of tacos 
3 types of Margaritas
(Tamarind, Spiced, and Classic)

Every Tuesday from 6pm to 11pm. 


  • 227间酒店客房和套房,以及305间服务式公寓
  • 屋顶无边泳池、酒吧和酒廊
  • 直通海滩
  • 绝佳位置,畅游迪拜
  • NH Collection高级酒廊
入住 3:00 pm
退房 12:00 noon
  • Prices are inclusive of all taxes.
  • This offer cannot be combined with any other promotion or discounts.
  • Bookings are subject to availability.